L Town Dental Monthly Updates


Dental Health Resolutions For A Healthy Smile.

Dental sealants can play an important role in helping to prevent tooth decay in some locations on your teeth.

The placement of dental sealants involves your dentist bonding a plastic coating into the grooves of your tooth. The net result is a smoother tooth surface, one which is less likely to trap food and plaque and that is easier to clean with your toothbrush.  Dental sealants are placed on children once their adult molars erupt. They are maintained throughout adolescence at their dental cleaning appointments.

Both hygienists and assistants on our team can place the sealants to help prevent decay.

Periodontal therapy is treatment administered when gums become diseased.  There are many stages of gum disease that our Doctors and their hygienists’ screen for, diagnose, and treat.

Gums provide more than just aesthetics for your smile. The main role of gums is to provide support for your teeth and create a barrier for harmful bacteria entering the bloodstream.  Once gums are diseased, your hygienist will complete a deep cleaning, using their instrument to clean below the gum line. They may also recommend more frequent cleanings to maintain a healthy periodontal status.

While there are many risk factors for gum disease, our Doctors and your hygienist will work with you to discuss how certain lifestyle changes and routine maintenance can help control this disease.

Below are the two stages of gum disease.  Despite there being two stages, each stage can have varying degrees of severity and may show a range of possible symptoms.


An early stage of gum disease often characterized by red, swollen or bleeding gums that are more prone to sensitivity.


Advanced gum disease can lead to receding gums, shifting or lose teeth, and even tooth loss.

This is a focused beam of X-Ray particles through bone which produces an image on special film, showing the structure through which it passed.

This gives the familiar black and white images that doctors and dentists use to diagnose problems. X-rays are a necessary part of the diagnostic process, and not to use them could lead to undiagnosed disease or treatment. Without an X-ray of the whole tooth, and supporting bone and gum tissues, there is no real way to detect infection or pathology that requires attention.

In our office, we use digital radiography which allows us to take X-rays using 50-70% less radiation versus conventional X-rays. This digital technique also allows us to enhance the images for better diagnosis of any dental concerns.

Our Doctors require x-rays one time per year in order to provide the utmost quality of care possible to her patients.

Have you noticed a crooked tooth in your smile?  What about constant chipping teeth?

Misaligned teeth are not just aesthetically unappealing, but can actually have a negative effect on the overall health of your teeth.  Teeth that are out of alignment are harder to clean, create force where there shouldn’t be, and can harm healthy teeth through chipping. Our office is pleased to offer Invisalign technology in order to correct misaligned teeth and prevent further damage.

Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners that are created to shift your teeth back into alignment. The process starts with a free consultation in our office to evaluate what type of Invisalign will work best for you.  We will then take impressions of your teeth that are mailed into Invisalign headquarters. The Invisalign team will work to create a digital replication demonstrating how your teeth with shift throughout your treatment.  Once this digital replication, called a Clincheck, is approved by our office, your clear aligners are created and shipped to our office.

Once we receive your aligners, we will schedule you an appointment for your initial placement.  At this initial placement, we place clear composite buttons on your teeth which work as anchors for the aligners.  Sometimes your treatment requires tooth slimming, officially called IPR, in order to help your teeth shift more efficiently.  If IPR is required, Our Doctors slims the tooth using a sandpaper-like material. It is quick and painless. We will show you how to put in and take out your retainers and how to clean them.  Once your initial delivery is done, we will schedule you back every six weeks to deliver your next 3 sets of aligners until treatment is complete.

If Invisalign treatment interests you, please contact our office to set up your free consultation.  We would love to answer any questions you may have concerning this state of the art treatment.


A dental implant is an option to replace a missing tooth.

In this procedure, a small titanium man-made root is surgically implanted into the bone and allowed to set. The bone grows around it forming a tight connection, which additionally slows or stops the bone loss that occurs when the root of a natural tooth is missing. Once the implant is firmly set in the mouth, the dentist then works to attach the replacement tooth onto the top of the man-made root.

This permanent solution has the advantage over bridge work because it does not stress the surrounding teeth for support, and, should the tooth wear out, another can simply be replaced on the man-made root.

Implants can also be used as support as part of an implant bridge.

This is an alternative to having a partial denture.

The preferred choice for minor restorations. No longer do you have to tolerate metal fillings.

Our Doctors have chosen to place only tooth-colored, composite fillings. Composite fillings contain no mercury as do traditional amalgam (metal) fillings. They are a less aggressive form of treatment and will not cause the breakage of teeth from thermal expansion as metal fillings can. Best of all the result is white, tooth-colored fillings that are virtually undetectable!

Fillings are done to remove tooth decay and replace the affected tooth structure. Composite Resin fillings are made of a plastic dental resin and are strong and durable, making your smile look very natural. The resin is applied in layers and a dental light is used to harden the resin after it is applied. Your bite will be adjusted and your tooth polished. This is all done in one appointment. It is important to get any fillings completed that the dentist recommends in order to prevent further decay from developing.

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We are dedicated to providing quality, comprehensive dental care for your entire family in a comfortable, caring environment. We have a personal, professional, and ethical responsibility to care for your health to the best of our abilities. Make an appointment now – We look forward to assisting you.



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Our office is a modern facility that includes video screens for every chair to keep you entertained, as well as all digital charts and x-rays.

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